Friday, January 4, 2008


Aud& kids and Rod and I met Garry and Jenny and kids in Fairbanks. A great time to get re-acquainted with the Parker, Olivia and Sophia. Olivia and Grandpa hit it off right away. She has tons of personality and doesn't back away from anything!

Breakfast with the gang.
Shopping? with the gang!!!
Rod in the Flat Cap that Mary sent him from Jolly ole England.
Looks very good!
Grandpa and Grandpa (acording to Livi) with Jens three kids.
What a great time we had visiting with Gar and Jen and playing with the babes!
Gramps and his "girls"
Funny Grandpa, Funny Livi, Funny, funny, funny!


Jerry and Maaret said...

love the pics... hey Drampa, have you lost weight? you look thinner. miss you guys!

Unknown said...

very cute pics, glad to see dad finally getting to spend a little time with the grandkids. mom where are some pictures of you? and aud? we wouldnt hardly know you were even there... but that aside, thanks for posting!

Mary Grace said... cute!
